Signs You’re Grinding Your Teeth While You Sleep 

Even though bruxism (grinding your teeth) is relatively common, a lot of patients have no idea they have a problem until the dentist recommends bite guard treatment in Medina, OH. The fact is, you may have issues with either clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth together long after you’ve fallen asleep. Therefore, the problem is one that is easy to miss. Check out the signs you may be grinding your teeth after you go to sleep for the night.

You wake up with jaw pain or headaches

Jaw pain and headaches are some of the more ambiguous symptoms of bruxism because they can easily be related to and blamed on some other issue. Bruxism causes jaw pain and headaches because of the amount of stress you put on your muscles while clenching. You may wake up feeling like you laughed a great deal the day before, or have a headache without any logical cause.

Your teeth seem to be excessively wearing

Most healthy adult teeth are not smooth; they boast ridges, points, and valleys. These formations help you chew food more effectively, but people who grind their teeth can have flatter, worn teeth. Oftentimes, molars are the first teeth to show signs of wear because these teeth have a broader contact surface between the upper and lower jaw. Naturally, if your teeth start to wear down substantially, you may notice pain in those teeth or even difficulties with chewing.

You have chipped or cracked teeth

Chipped and cracked teeth are a telltale sign of grinding your teeth if you have not sustained any level of direct dental trauma. Grinding your teeth repeatedly breaks down their structure due to the sheer force and stress. Therefore, you may find one of your teeth chipped, broken, or cracked.

Talk to a Medina Dentist for Help

If you do suspect that you are grinding your teeth in your sleep, talking to a Medina, OH dentist about the issue is extremely important. Bite guards can be used to protect your teeth while you sleep, and these are most functional and comfortable when custom-made by a skilled professional. Reach out to us at the Evanko Dental Group of Medina to schedule an appointment.

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