Should I Be Nervous About a Root Canal?

This common question stems largely from general fears of dentistry. The instruments, equipment, and anesthetic can all be triggers for people, even if they’re going in for little more than routine cleaning. If you’re nervous about a root canal, we’ll look at whether these fears are warranted.

The Honest Truth

We’ll start with the less convenient facet of these procedures: the truth is that there is such a thing as painful root canals. The exact details as to why will differ depending on the person who had the procedure done. In some cases, it will be due to an unavoidable problem, such as the configuration of the pulp or underlying damage. Certain health conditions can exacerbate pain or mask its source. In others, it may be because the dentist made an error during the root canal.

The Upside

The good news is that painful root canals are not the norm. In the past, root canals were intense procedures, ones that might have been put off for months or even years at the person’s request. However bad their tooth pain was, the alternative might have seemed far worse.

Thankfully, root canals are so ubiquitous that they left the dental industry little choice but to get better at them. With every new improvement came less pain, faster recovery periods, and happier patients.

So why are there still people who are worried? There’s still a lot of residual fear that can be passed down from generation to generation. Also, as mentioned, there is such a thing as root canals that go awry.

What You Can Do

If you want to allay your nerves, the best thing you can do is look for a dentist who is skilled in root canals. A professional who specializes can go a long way to discovering problems when you’re in the chair rather than after you’ve left the parking lot.

Doing your homework can have everything to do with the outcome of your procedure. From the customer reviews to education to experience, these things can all matter when it comes to the results. And while there’s no such thing as perfection, you can get pretty close when you work with a dentist who knows the ins and outs of root canals.



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