Grinding, gnashing, or clenching your teeth together is something people do when they are stressed or anxious, but some people do this repeatedly in their sleep. Unfortunately, teeth grinding can lead to dental issues.
Common Signs of Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
It is easy to assume that someone would know if they were grinding their teeth, but many patients have the issue for years before they ever realize what is going on. Since teeth grinding tends to be a problem that happens while you are asleep, you may only catch the after-effects of the action. A few symptoms of bruxism include:
- Teeth that have a flatter appearance than what is normal
- Waking with pain in your jaws or teeth
- Painful bite marks inside of the cheeks
- Damaged teeth without a good explanation, such as cracks, chips, or looseness
- Waking repeatedly through the night or waking a partner because you’re making noises
The Purpose of a Bite Guard for Dental Grinding
With a bite guard in your mouth, your teeth cannot touch when you close your mouth. The unit is worn like a tray for whitening your teeth or a mouth guard that you wear when you play sports.
How You Are Fitted for a Grinding Appliance
To be fitted for a bite guard or grinding device, the dentist will take impressions of your mouth. The impressions are then used to create a custom-made mouthpiece that is comfortable to wear and offers full protection for all of your teeth.
Find Out If You Need a Bite Guard with the Help of a Dentist in Medina, OH
Grinding your teeth while you sleep can lead to a lot of issues with your oral health. If you suspect you have a dental grinding issue and could benefit from a bite guard to wear at night, contact us at Haley Dental Group of Medina for an appointment.